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PTV launches in North Norfolk

Due to popular demand and the increasing popularity of Poppyland Radio, the Board are delighted to launch their latest venture - Poppyland TV.

Using AI and green screen technology, PTV shows are produced by students from the UFA (University of Ford Anglia), with financial support from business funding consultants Knowboddie Else LLP and Stitchem Uppen Grabbit Investments Ltd.

PTV will start broadcasting at midnight on Saturday with a specially commissioned production - The Land of Pop - a celebration of the popular musicians and bands through history whose inspiration and roots are in North Norfolk. The legendary Kev Bruce will co-present the show with Poppyland legend 'Blunders'.

That’s followed up at 12.02 by a special investigative news report from Adam Would and Will Wohnt about the local sugar beet famine caused by bird flu and the county-wide shortage of chicken manure. The report includes a special interview with Paul Hen, owner of Funky Chicken Fuels based in Hatchem.

PTV will be available on Amazona Prime and Nectonflix.

3 commenti

01 apr 2023

Should have mentioned that the studios were built by I. Bodgem & co.!

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Paul Hensby
Paul Hensby
01 apr 2023

Also, my wife, who up to now has shown no interest in cricket, has asked if you could show her what is a 'good length' and when to leave it alone or play it.

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Paul Hensby
Paul Hensby
01 apr 2023

As Mark 'Blunders' is Poppyland Radio's cricket expert, I wonder if, using the medium of television, he could demonstrate how to get on the front foot.

And also, the unique wrist action used by leg spinners to enable me to get a successful spin on my balls?

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