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Rock n Rail

Songs about trains, steam locomotives, travelling by train and stations. There are hundreds of songs; many of which are well known but many more are not. All genres of music are represented: folk, blues, country, jazz, rock 'n' roll, electronic etc. A discussion of how significant rail travel was (and still is) and how this is reflected in music and song.

Richard Dutton

As a teenager in the 1960s I was able to listen to the North Sea offshore pirate radio stations which to me represented the golden age of radio broadcasting. This series of six programmes aims to inform the listener of the popularity of the successful stations, especially Radio Caroline and Radio London ('Big L') as well as detailing the rise and fall of all the stations operating off the coast of the UK. Actual jingles, station IDs and clips from the era are included as is a selection of music from then

Rock n Rail

Missed a show, click below for links to all the previous shows.

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